
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Warning: Contents should only be read under EXTREME boredom! The questions require a LOT of thinking!

I am taking a Humanities course in school, and we are studying a book called Sophie's World.  It is about the history of philosophy.  It's pretty neat, because it isn't dry and boring - it has a plot line, and it is written like a novel.  I enjoy it.

Well, anyway, a lot of philosophers are mentioned in this book, along with the questions that they answer.  We have had several discussions in class about these questions.  Some of my favorite are:
  1. Who are you?
  2. Where did the world come from?
  3. Why do humans, as they grow older, loose the sense of wonder they had as children?
  4. Do you still wonder?  Why or why not?
  5. Why is Lego the most ingenious toy in the world?
  6. Do you believe that there is a minimal part of which nature exists?
  7. Do humans have souls?  Why or why not?
  8. Do you believe in fate?
  9. What forces govern the course of history?
  10. Is sickness a punishment for some bad deed or deeds?
  11. Socrates believed that if people know what is right, they will do what is right.  Do you agree?  Why or why not?
  12. How can a baker bake fifty absolutely identical cookies?
  13. Why do all horses look the same?
  14. Do humans have an immortal soul?
  15. Are men and women equally sensible?
  16. Is right and wrong something absolute or does it change with location, culture, and time period?  Why or why not?
  17. Are we born with innate ideas?
  18. What is the difference between plant, animal, and human?
  19. Why does it rain?
  20. What does it take to have a good life?
I am interested in hearing (or, more appropriately, reading your thoughts on this subject... Please put them in the comments.  YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO!

1 comment:

  1. 1 Melissa
    2 God made the earth and everything on it!
    3 We still wonder, we just think we know more so we don't "wonder aloud"
    4 Yes. I do NOT know everything and I'm a very curious person...always have been
    5 b/c it allows you to do sooo much!!!
    6 uhhh...what?
    7 I think so...Our souls go to heaven rather than our bodies if I'm rememmbering scripture correctly
    8 Nope!
    9 ummm...again...huh?
    10 NOOOO!!!! God doesn't punish us. Everything bad in this world is Satan's doing.
    11. No nesacarilly. (sp?) I know it is wrong to make fun of (for example) my brother. Do I still do it. Yes! I'm human. We make mistakes...If we were perfect we wouldn't need God.
    12. Why in the world is that a question???
    13. uhhh...they don't??? IF they were all identical "brown hair, brown eyes, giant, pretty" it's b/c that's how God wants it to be. Period.
    14. If you choose to believe in Jesus. You'll live FOREVER in heaven...F-O-R-E-V-E-R think about it.
    15 I depends I think. don't rlly know what you're asking
    16 hmmmmmthat's a HARD one. Let me think about it
    17 are we born with what? I'm not stupid I promise....these are big words and it is 10:30 at night after a looooooong day
    18 DUH! plant' use light and grow in ground. Animals can't talk and have instincts to do things and aren't really capable I don't think to make rational decisons. Humans can walk talk, play, jump, think, feel, etc.
    19 Because it's part of the watr cycle and I personally believe it's one of the ways God can take care of His creation. Does that make sense?
    20 J-E-S-U-S!!!!!!!!! Trust me, becoming a christian is the best desiscion I have ever made! It doesn't mean life will be perfect or easy but you'll never be alone. Ever! God LOVEs you!!!!!!!!! How amazing is that???

    I'm going to re-read and fix all my typing mistakes and really answer the ones I missed when I get home tomorrow. ;)
