
Friday, March 11, 2011

So what had happened was...

Okay, so this one is just telling you about my day, because today was pretty awesome.   For starters, I got to sleep in for about five minutes (but, let me tell you, it felt like an hour).  Then I went to school.  Well, I left my violin on the bus, so I had to run back against the student traffic, and grab it.  Then I had to go put it in the auditorium and go to the library.  I got a new book, called The Faerie Path (recommended to me by Ultima Thule) by Frewin Jones.  After all this, I though I'd be late to class; and I made it with a minute to spare!
We watched Glory Road in U.S. History today... but the bell rang right before the game ended, so I don't know who won!! I still don't know how that movie ends. 
When we got to third period,  we were ready to leave for the concert festival for orchestra.  We got onto the bus and dedicated one seat to "junk," meaning our instruments.  The whole way to Ridgeway we spent singing and goofing off, and telling really bad jokes. 
We got to the concert, and we listened to some orchestras perform... they weren't all that good; I can honestly and unbiasedly say that I though Mt. Pisgah was the best out of the ones we saw.  They did really well for a twice-a-week class.  They were together and in tune.  They got superior ratings, and I am really proud of them =).
When we went, we thought we did horribly, but we got superior ratings, as well!  We got a two on the sight-reading, but I think that we did very well. 
When we got back to the school, there was about twenty minutes left in school.  There were ten pizzas waiting for us; there are 25 people in the orchestra.  You should have seen how fast those pizzas were going!!  Mr. Philips literally opened a pizza box and all the pizza was gone in under ten seconds.  Then he would go to another, and the same thing would happen.  Some people had eight pieces stacked one on top of the other!  It was really very comical - but now I am feeling the repercussions of eating three pieces of pizza in under ten minutes...  my bed sounds very inviting right now...
But I'm not going to bed yet!  I am babysitting two of the most AWESOME kids on the planet in a few hours, and I can't wait!!! I LOVE Joshua and Lizzie!!  They are so sweet, and SO adorable (though don't tell Joshua I said that...).  I have a pretty awesome day goin on, and it would take a lot to bring me down.  Thank you, Lord, for blessing this day for us.  I pray that you would do the same for others around the world.

Forever in Christ,

Tyler Henke

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