
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ode to an Old Friend

I wrote this poem just now, after returning from my grandparent's house.  It isn't Shakespeare; it doesn't rhyme.  But it comes from the heart, and I must let it be known that I love my little friend, and the memories that we share.

I remember well the joy
That I got from my old friend.
As a little girl, free of care
Swinging round and round.

I remember making Grandpa sick
With my circular motions 
That my faithful old friend 
Allowed me to make.

I remember him asking me 
Not to so round and round, 
But rather up and down.
He'd gladly swing us through the sky
On our little black friend.

I remember squealing with fright
As wasps flew at me furiously
Coming out of their temporary home
In my little black friend.

I remember making my cousin
Dizzy, when I spun the two of us
Round and round and round.
Then back around again.

I remember fighting with my brothers
For the right to ride on my little friend.
I remember consenting to push them
As I grudgingly gave them their turn.

I remember crying when my hair 
Got caught in the enduring blue ropes.

I remember the thrill of going to Gandma
And Grandpa's, to go play with my friend.
I remember spinning, waiting for dinner to be called.

I remember rushing through dinner, so that I 
Could go back out to my lonely friend,
Trying to be the first of six
To get back on him again.

I remember thinking about that little black friend
Held away from the ground by sturdy blue ropes.

As we grew, we found new ways to 
Fit four into the little hole.
Spreading out legs and standing.

But alas, everything must at one point 
Come to an end.  And I know that we have 
Been blessed with the joy of the tire swing.
The five eldest of us have outgrown our 
Little black friend.

I thought about asking for it to be taken down
But there is one grandchild yet
Who needs the faithful old swing.

And maybe, by the time she has
Outgrown it as well, there will be another
Little one to take the tradition 
Into the next generation.  
So I must plead, to whom it may concern,
Do not remove my friend.  Let him hang
For generations to come. 

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