
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Day on Daremo

There is a blog that I am following, called "A Day on Daremo", and Eldra, the blogger, is having a contest thingie..... She calls it a "giveaway", so that's what I will call it =D

So Eldra is a really talented writer.  If you click on her name, you can go to her blog.  Her sister, Leauphaun, is an AMAZING artist, who not only paints, but she sketches and is a wonderful photographer, as well!  Check out her Paintings, Drawings, and Photography.  You'll find that I am not exaggerating!  Check them out!! Follow them!! 


  1. Thank you so much for the kind and encouraging words!!
    Awesome that you are entering!!

    God Bless!! - Leauphaun

  2. Thanks for the post! Just make sure you link the buttons on your sidebar back to the proper blogs as well.

  3. Oh, your blog is really adorable. I love the entire look of it.
