
Friday, January 21, 2011


by Superchic[k]

No one sits with him, he doesn't fit in.
But we feel like we do when we make fun of him.
'Cuz you want to belong, do you go along?
'Cuz his pain is the price paid for you to belong?
It's not like you hate him or want him to die.
But maybe, he goes home and thinks suicide.
Or he comes back to school with a gun at his side,
And a kindness from you might have saved his life.

Heroes are made when we make a choice.
You can be a hero, heroes do what's right.
You could be a hero, you might save a life.
You could be a hero, we must join the fight 
For what's right, 
For what's right.
For what's right.

No one talks to her, she feels so alone. 
She's in too much pain to survive on her own.
The pain that she feels overflows to a knife.
She writes on her arm,wants to give up her life.

Every day she goes on is a day that she's brave.
Fighting the lie that giving up is the way
Each moment of courage, her own life she saves.
When she throws the pills out, a hero is made.

Heroes are made when we make a choice.
You can be a hero, heroes do what's right.
You could be a hero, you might save a life.
You could be a hero, we must join the fight 
For what's right, 
For what's right.
For what's right.
No one talks to him about how he lives.
He thinks that the choices he makes are just his.
Doesn't know he's a leader with the way he behaves,
And others will follow he choices he's made

He lives on the edge, he's old enough to decide.
His brother who wants to be him is just nine.
He can do what he wants, because its his right,
But the choices he makes change a nine-year-old's life.

Heroes are made when we make a choice.
You can be a hero, heroes do what's right.
You could be a hero, you might save a life.
You could be a hero, we must join the fight 
For what's right, 
For what's right.
For what's right.
Little Mikey D. was the one in class
Who every day got brutally harrassed.
This went on for years,
 'Till he decided that never again would he shed another tear.
So he walked through the door, grabbed a four-four
Out of his father's dresser drawer, and said,
 "I can't take life no more," and like that,
Life can be lost.

But this ain't even about that.  All of us
Just sat back and watched it happen
We think it's not out responsibility to solve 
A problem that isn't about me
This is our problem.  This is one of the 
Daily scenarios in which we choose
To close our eyes instead of doing the 
Right thing.

If we make the choice to be the voice 
For those who won't stand up for themsleves,
How many lives could be saved, changed, and 
Now it is our time to pick a side.  
Don't keep walking by not wanting to 
Intervene 'cuz you just want to exist
And never be seen.
So let's wake up.  Change the world.
Our time is now.
You can be a hero, heroes do what's right.
You could be a hero, you might save a life.
You could be a hero, we must join the fight 
For what's right, 
For what's right.
For what's right.

Unfortunately, this song mirrors things that happen every day.  People get made fun of.  People think that they are worthless.  People think that they don't mean anything to anybody.   And these people are everywhere around us.  Sometimes they are disguised, or hidden behind masks.  Other times, they are openly in pain.  We tend to close out eyes to things like that.  We tend to just look the other way and "not even notice."
Why do we do that?  Why do we naturally turn away from people in need?  Is it because we don't want to make a scene?  Are we scared of something?  People all around us are hurting, and we just turn a blind eye to it all.  There really is no reason for that.  Especially for Christians.
It's out job to make sure that people know about the Good News.  That means that we have to let them know that they are important to their Father.  We as Christians should be sensitive to the pain around us.  We should be aware of it.  

You don't know what is going on in the lives of others.  Maybe that kid sitting alone over there just doesn't like company.  He probably chooses to sit alone.  At least, that's what we want to think.  But you don't know if that is the case.  What if that guy is going through really hard times at home, and he just needs someone to talk to.  Maybe he doesn't really want to sit alone, but he doesn't have the courage to find someone to sit with.  Who knows?  Maybe that girl who doesn't talk to people is just antisocial.  Maybe she doesn't want to talk to people.  Or maybe she is hurting inside and is thinking of cutting herself to feel something real.  Maybe her circumstances have made her come to think that she is worthless.  It is our duty as witnesses of God to let her know that she is loved and wanted by her Father.

The third part really got to me.  So many of us have little brothers and/or sisters, or some kind of figure that uses us as guides for their lives.  Our choices influence everyone around us.  I know that I set an example for my brothers and sister, even though my brothers are in their early teens.  I am a role model, even though I don't always know it.  People are watching me, and counting on me to show them how to live.  That verse made me think: Am I setting an example that I would want my siblings to follow?  Do I live the way I would want them to live?  Do you live the way you want your watchers to live?

My prayer for you is that you will remember that the choices you make will change the lives of those around you, and that you will make the choices that will turn the tables toward life.
My prayer for you is that you will open your eyes to the world around you, and become more sensitive to the pain.  
My prayer for you is that God will use you as His vessel, and use you to save a life. 
My prayer for you is that you will allow God to use you as His vessel.
My prayer for you is that you will grow in Him and will listen to His Voice.

Your sister forever in Christ, 
Tyler Henke

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