
Monday, February 28, 2011

Leap of Faith

God loves you.  He loves you so much, that He was willing to send His only Son to pay your debt - which we are supposed to die for, by the way - by dying painfully on the cross.  I mean, even before you were born, He was taking care of you!! How amazing is that?  You are SO precious to God!  And He has already planned out your life, minute by minute.

God has this awesome, perfect plan for His children.  And He uses His children to carry out that plan.  No one really knows what that ultimate plan is, but I think that is a good thing - I mean, I can barely understand the plans for the weekend, much less the future of the entire universe!

But the wonderful thing is that God doesn't expect us to understand His plans.  He doesn't expect us to know what to do - He doesn't expect us to handle it all on our own.  He doesn't even expect us to make the plans - it's all Him!!  All we do is help Him carry it out.

And He tells us how to do that.  All we have to do is take a leap of faith into His Word, and let his instruction Book show is what to do, step by step!

"If there were a thousand step between you and God, and you could see no way across the great divide, just take one step toward His loving arms, and He'll take nine hundred, ninety nine." - Newsong

We don't have to walk the whole way!  God will do all the work - we just have to have enough faith in Him to take that one step!

Don't worry about messing up, either.  God knows that we are clumsy.  God expects that!  God knows that we can't possibly do anything by ourselves - we are way too small!  But when we put our faith in Him, when we let Him carry us through life, we don't have to worry about falling down - He won't let us down, He won't let us go! 
"It's time to take a leap of faith, so here I go!  I'm diving in!  I'm going deep!  In over my head, I wanna be lost in the rush, caught in the flow, and over my head I wanna go.  The River's deep.  The River's wide.  The River's water is alive.  So sink, so swim, I'm diving in!"

When God calls you to do something, chances are it probably won't be too fun, or too comfortable, but guess what?  He won't ask you to do something if He knows you can't do it.  And we can do anything when we act on behalf of Jesus Christ. 

"When I call on Jesus, all things are possible!  I can mount wings like eagles and soar.  When I call on Jesus, mountains are gonna fall.  'Cuz He'll move heaven and Earth to come rescue me when I fall." - Nicole C. Mullen

So here is a challenge to you (and to myself) for this week:  When God calls you, will you take the plunge?

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