
Monday, February 28, 2011

Joy and a MAJOR Red Herring.......

What is the difference between happiness and joy? 

Joy:(1) the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying; keen pleasures; elation  (2) a source or cause of keen pleasure or delight; something or someone greatly valued or appreciated (3) the expression or display of glad feeling; festive gaiety (4) a state of happiness or felicity (5) to be glad; to rejoice (6) to gladden

Happiness: (1)good fortune; pleasure; contentment

So, what is the difference?

Well, when I think of joy, I think of a little girl with her hands held high, facing the heavens, with a true smile on her face.  And I picture that same little girl ten years later, in the same orant posture, her face still upturned.

When I think of happiness, I think of a little girl with an ice cream cone or a new Barbie doll. 

The two are seemingly the same, but I think that joy is more... permanent.  Even of you are sad, or hurt, or lonely, or angry... I think you can still have joy.  Joy is more of a state of being - even if you are sad, because of whatever reason, you can still feel joyful. 
Happiness is more temporary; likely to change. 

Note that joy doesn't necessarily mean ecstatic.  It doesn't mean energized and bubbly; joy can be serene, as well.  Joy can be something that you feel all the time. 
I have noticed that  when I have left my trust in Jesus; when I know that He is caring for me and when I am 100% confident that He is indeed in control - when I know that I can rest easy knowing that He is taking care of me, I feel this serenity.

A few days ago, there was a really bad tornado warning.  I knew that if there was a tornado, that I would have to put on a brave face, so Natalie wouldn't be scared more than she already was.  But when the sirens went off, I simply closed my eyes - I didn't really pray using words, but I knew that as I closed my eyes, God didn't need any more invitation than that - He took my fear and worry, and I found that I didn't have to put on a face - I wasn't afraid at all.  I knew that God controlled the tornado, and even if He saw fit to allow it to hit us, I knew that He was in control of it, and I realized, to my surprise, that I didn't care.  If God was going to destroy the house - so what?  God would also take care of my family.  He wouldn't do it unless He had a plan for our ultimate safety.
I wasn't afraid - I was actually content.  I was in that same state of joy that I have always felt when spending time with my God - whether in prayer or in worship, or in reading, or in simple "quiet time" with God.

So, yeah.... that's my little thingie (I really don't know what you can call these....) for today =D

May God bless you, and may you let Him provide you with the same joy that he has provided me.

In Christ forever,
Tyler Henke

1 comment:

  1. Wow sis. I'm proud of you. Youre are growing to be a Godly woman in spite of me.
