
Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Friend is... a whole bunch of cheesy truths =)

Friends are amazing.

A Friend is someone with whom you can be yourself with no reserves.
A Friend is someone that knows your habits and flaws, and accepts them as parts of you.
A Friend is someone who won't try to change you no matter how flawed you are.
A Friend is someone with whom you can laugh all night about absolutely nothing and remember it forever.
A Friend is someone you can't live without.
A Friend is someone that you see when you picture your life.
A Friend is the first person you think of when you need a hug. 
A Friend is the person who knows you are hurt even from miles apart, and will call you up in the middle of the night and listen.
A Friend is someone who answers the phone when you call at midnight, even if she isn't fully aware that she is doing so.
A Friend is someone with whom you share so many stupid inside jokes that you could have your own language based upon them.
A Friend is someone who loves you through thick and thin, through the miles and hours, and through the tears and laughter.
A Friend is someone who knows your secrets and wishes well enough that they could be her own.
A Friend is someone with whom you will fight for the last bag of chips, win, and then end up sharing them with you... or not =)
A Friend is someone who has plenty of chances to stab you in the back, but chooses not to.
A Friend is someone who, instead of taking that opportunity, uses it to tickle you.
A Friend is someone that enters your life, and never leaves it.

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