
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I Saw God Today, part 2

So, this is what I got out of this song today. 

How often during the day does God cross your mind?  For me, honestly, not very often.  Sometimes, when something really good happens to me, I will say a quick, absentminded prayer, like, "Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with this."

But the Bible says to praise God at all times, not just during the times that He blesses you.  If you had a totally normal day, would God cross your mind?  Would you think to open your Bible?  Would you randomly take the time out of your day to say a quick little prayer?

We get so caught up in our lives, that God tends to NOT be priority.  He tends to take second place in our minds, and our hearts. 

Is that okay?  I mean, we have an amazing Savior that made peace with God for us through His birth, life, death, and resurrection.  That kind of deserves priority, right?  Instead, we get so caught up in making good grades or working or just our everyday lives, that we don't give God a single thought. 

My youth leader challenged us tonight:  Take a minute to pray.  Then take a minute to read the Bible.  The write about what you read for a minute.  That's three minutes out of your day.

I am going to take this challenge, too.  Remember to hold your fellow Christians accountable.  That is part of our jobs as brothers and sisters in Christ - to hold each other accountable for our relationship with Christ.

Once again, in love,
Tyler Henke

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