
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sorry I haven't written in a while.  My life has been pretty busy lately.  I am SO ashamed to admit that I haven't given God much thought in a while.  I have let life become once again all about me.  I don't allow God much of my heart or mind lately.  I haven't listened to Him when He told me to do something.  When I felt compelled to read my Bible, I felt like I was reading it to "check it off of the list".  When I was praying, I was, once again, just checking it off of the list.  None of it was sincere.  None of it was with a yearning to know more about my Lord and Savior.  I was just trying to get that nagging voice out of my head.  I knew then and I know now that that is NOT the attitude to have when going before God.

     I know that I need to get closer to God.  I know that I need a more steady relationship with Him.  I know that my heart needs to be more in tune with God.  I tell God that I want to be closer to Him, but I don't prove that.  I ask God to draw me closer to Him, but now I ask myself this question:  Why would God listen to a meaningless prayer?  If I am just saying pretty words, but they have no meaning, then what would the prayer mean to God?

     "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength."

     Notice that it doesn't say, "Love God with a little bit of your heart, some of your soul, bits and pieces of your mind, and parts of your strength."  The command is to give Him all.  All means ALL.  EVERYTHING.  Don't just give Him a little of this and some of that; He requires your ALL.  Everything you have should be for God.  Your talents, your possessions, your thoughts - really, anything you can put the word "your" in front - just replace that "your" with "God's".  I mean, He gave it to you, didn't He?  So you should give it back.  Shouldn't you?  I mean, doesn't that make sense?

     There isn't really that much left to say about that... I mean, I don't know how to elaborate on this without sounding completely redundant.  So, I guess that's all for today... thanks for reading my little self-rant thing...

      I hope that I have opened your eyes, even if I haven't opened my own. 


  1. Girl, I was just here. I was in one of the darkest places I think I've ever been! I can't even explain it, but I can tell that we're definitely feeling some of the same things here. =) Someone told me
    "Just don't forget what God showed you in the light. You might be going through a dark time now where your doubting your own salvation, God Himself, feeling distant and lost and who knows what else. It hasn't always been like though. Don't forget what God has shown you before. Think about the times you've felt close to God and don't let that go."
    Don't be ashamed. I think everyone goes through things like this as hard as it is to admit that. It's hard. I DEFINITELY say that it's hard to feel distant and sooo confused! God isn't going anywhere. Just pray for His guidance. (sp? lol)I love you!!!!

  2. Hey, Melissa? Could you tell me the names of those songs you wanted me to listen to? I closed the window after you got off, and I couldn't find the songs again =)

    Love you SOO much, girl, and I am SOOOOOOOO glad that God has put you in my life.
